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It doesn’t support all camera-lens combinations, and our early version didn’t have a correction profile for the new-ish Sony FE 20-70mm f/4 G lens.

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PureRAW 3 does have a couple of quirks and limitations. Often it hardly looks like the same sensor or the same lens. With low-ISO images shot on good cameras with good lenses, the difference is small but visible nonetheless, and with higher ISOs or worse/older camera gear, the quality gap widens considerably. The image quality is pretty remarkable, especially if you compare DxO’s DNGs with raw files side by side in Lightroom. If you don’t use DeepPRIME the processing is a lot quicker and you still get DxO’s excellent lens corrections. If you use the DeepPRIME processing, each image can take a minute or more to process. There are two aspects to PureRAW 3’s performance speed and image quality. Zoom in on the detail, though, and you can see that the PureRAW version is noiseless where Lightroom's is quite granular, and the definition in the PureRAW version is far superior. TIFF export will give you better quality for editing without going the raw/DNG route. PureRAW 3 can also generate ready-to-share corrected JPEG images and now, in version 3, TIFF files. There are new crop options to reflect the original aspect ratio, the ‘maximum rectangle’ (largest crop), or full sensor area together with blank distorted areas around the edges where lens corrections have been applied – useful perhaps if you want to use content-aware fill tools. PureRAW 3 now offers queued batch processing with the ability to move images within the queue while processing is being carried out and different processing for different batches.

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And with the release of this version, DeepPRIME XD now works with Fujifilm X-Trans sensors and their non-standard color filter layout.

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The first and most important is DeepPRIME XD (eXtreme Detail) which uses AI and a larger neural network to produce DxO’s best-yet noise reduction and detail enhancement.

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The principle is the same as previous versions, but PureRAW 3 adds many new features and capabilities. You can use PureRAW 3 as a standalone program, adding the files or folders you want to process, launch it directly by right-clicking files in Windows Explorer or the Mac Finder, or run it from within Lightroom, where the PureRAW 3 plug-in will add a processed version of your file(s) to your catalog in a subfolder alongside your original.

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